• +923022474551
  • Bishop's House, c/o St. Francis Grammar School, Zarghoon Road, P.O. Box 297, Quetta Cantt
  • info@qtavicariate.pk

Our Schools

  • St. Francis Grammar School Quetta
  • St. Joseph Convent Girls High School Quetta
  • Sacred Heart Girls High School Quetta
  • St. Gabriel School
  • St. Michael boys High School Qta Cantt
  • St. Eugene High School Sibi

St. Micheal Boys High School, Quetta Cantt

Saint Joseph’s Convent school:

As soon as the residents of Quetta came to know of the arrival of the Sisters in Quetta, they welcomed them and requested them to start a school only for Girls.  Most of them being orthodox Muslims, disapproved of co-education. Mother Patricia Bolton promised them that she would see what she could do about this matter. Within a month, sisters opened four kindergarten classes for girls. By January 1949, Mother Patricia Bolton received news that in Karachi it had been announced, from the pulpit, that all the girls in Quetta had to leave the Grammar School and attend the Convent school. Sisters realized that the house in Lytton Road was too small. Besides, the Sisters were obliged to trudge from Lytton Road to Station Headquarters for several days in cold, snowy weather. Sisters sat for hours in various offices enquiring about suitable accommodation. Finally, the military authorities very graciously gave the old “Sub-area” Quarters on Gloucester Road as the Convent.

On 1 March 1949, classes were begun in the new building, the people were delighted to have their girls study in the Convent school. At that time, three sisters were teaching in the St. Joseph’s Convent School.

One can imagine the difficulties encountered in constructing two schools, a convent and a boarding house for eighty girls, under Mother Florentine, who arrived in Pakistan in 1952 from the United States of America. The building was constructed on land vacated by the English army but essentially belonging to the Pakistan Government and given to the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chambery for the Bright Future of Baluchistan Province. The implicit trust in Divine Providence was Mother Florentine’s key to success.  Mother Thecla McLaughlin from Ireland replaced Mother Florentine.  Sr. Michelle from Ireland remained for three years from 1981, in the school.  In December 1986, Sr Virgina Quinn from USA took charge of the English School.

St. Joseph’s High school celebrated the golden Jubilee in September 21st, 1998, a three days’ celebration This school was founded by sisters of St. Joseph of chamber in 1948 but handed over to the diocese due to lack of persons and the St. Joseph’s convent Nursery school was kept for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambery for their survival.