• +923022474551
  • Bishop's House, c/o St. Francis Grammar School, Zarghoon Road, P.O. Box 297, Quetta Cantt
  • info@qtavicariate.pk

 Family Life Commission Quetta Vicariate

Apostolic Vicariate of Quetta for the first time had Family life program under the guidance of His Excellency Bishop Khalid Rahamet (OFM Cap).  Fr. Khawar Mehboob OMI called a committee to organize the program. There were eight members in the group. Fr. Khawar Mehboob (OMI), Fr .Sajaad Yousaf (OMI), Sister Elaine (H.F), Sister Maqsood (RGS ) Mr. and Mrs. Rodrick John, Mr. and Mrs. Adnan Victor, Mr. and Mrs Adnan Khizar. Fr Khawar organized the meeting and we decided and planned to call five couples from each Parish to attend the seminar.

The seminar was on the 12th Feb 2022 at St, Pius X Catholic Church Samungli Road Quetta. His Excellency Bishop Khalid Rahamet and Fr. Basharat Exupear (OMI) were given a warm welcome. Meeting started with a prayer said by Fr. Sajjad Yousaf (OMI)

Fr. Khawar Mehboob (OMI) gave an introduction about the goals of family life Commission,

  • Our goal is to create strong family bonds with love & care  
  • The vision  of the commission is to promote  good Christian family values
  • To address the current issues of  family life at present day
  • To help families to face challenges with trust, confidence and faith in the Lord
  • To raise dignity and sense of responsibility within family
  • To invest and enrich each life we touch
  • Education inspires and  transforms families to fulfill  God’s plan for families given

Mr. Nadeem a social worker gave a very inspiring talk highlighting the aim and objectives of family life program in the Vicariate of Quetta on power point presentation. In his presentation he emphasized on the active role of family institution its existence and development and growth through Spiritual, Biological, Psychological forces.

The urgent most responsibility of family commission is to protect each other from harm, provide shelter, and support. Life has changed as modern Society with the arrival of technology, changing cultural norms, new priorities, and new forms of communication fueled by the Internet.

Workshop and group discussions were part of his speech.  Many good valuable ideas were generated for the upcoming program. The groups were invited for question answer session. All the reports were brought to the Common Assembly and for further discussions .The conclusion was to get involved with families parishes in order to help and address the issues faced by families.

Last but not least His Excellency Bishop Khalid gave a very good speech with few insights emphasizing on extended family system. He said we are passing through the era of individualism where a culture of extended family life getting its last breath every family likes to be separated from its main root. More over he highlighted that we must go back to our roots and to sit with our elders and listen to them their life experience wisdom and get beneficiaries. The problem here lies is that we don’t have time to sit with our elders we like to spend our time in using internet and mobiles.    

At the end of the seminar Fr.Khawar Mehboob OMI, thanked His Excellency Bishop Khalid Rehmat for sharing his beautiful thoughts with the families and all the participants.


Fr. Khawar Mehboob OMI

Family Life Commission

Apostolic of Vicariate.