• +923022474551
  • Bishop's House, c/o St. Francis Grammar School, Zarghoon Road, P.O. Box 297, Quetta Cantt
  • info@qtavicariate.pk

Tajalli Catechetical Centre Quetta

  1. Introduction

Baluchistan province is a vast province in Pakistan. The Quetta Valley is the capital of this province. As we know that Quetta is the Apostolic Vicariate in the Catholic Church since 2000. The first Apostolic Vicar was Late Bishop Victor Gnanapragasam OMI, and at present his Excellency Bishop Khalid Rehmat OFM Cap is serving. Fourteen priest, including 6 diocesan, 7 Oblates, 1 Silesian, seventeen nuns from different female congregations like Dominican, Holy Family, Good Shepherd, and fourteen catechists are working in the Apostolic Vicariate of Quetta. Some catechists are fulltime and others are part time. But there is no permanent Trained Catechists except catechist Arif who is retired but still working in the parish. There are eight parishes in the Apostolic Vicariate of Quetta. There are Oblate Pre- Novitiate and St. Joseph Postulant House.

  1. Explanation  about Tajalli Catechetical Centre Quetta

As we know that every Catholic diocese has different commissions, so the Apostolic Vicariate of Quetta has too different commission, since it is erected. Tajalli Catechetical Centre Quetta comes under CBCC but belongs to the Apostolic Vicariate of Quetta. In the past years many priests had worked as the director of Tajalli Catechetical Centre Quetta. They had labored hard to uplift the level like the other catechetical commission in dioceses.

I was appointed the Director and fr. Yearmiah Rafique assistant director of Tajalli Catechetical Centre Quetta by his Excellency Bishop Khalid Rehmat in August 2021. There was an extraordinary meeting at Sawat in September 2021and I was unable to attend the meeting because the oblate had annual retreat on same dates but my assistant was present in this meeting. Since, I am newly appointed, I could not do much, but I have vision to do to the level of my best.

  1. Programmes held by Tajalli Catechetical Centre Quetta in 2021

I am sure that Tajalli Catechetical Centre Quetta has conducted some programmes in 2021, before my appointment. I do not know much about the programmes held before me but his Excellency bishop Khalid Rehmat OFM Cap had a meeting with catechists. I was able to plane only few programmes for this year.

There was a joined training programme by CBCC for Catechism School Teachers, latter it became difficult because of Covid 19. Thus, I requested Mr. Emmanuel Neno, the Executive Secretary of Catholic Bishop Catechetical Commission to have a training programme for Apostolic Vicariate of Quetta. He happily accepted my request and we had a great successful Catechism School Teachers training programme for two days on 29th and 30th October 2021. We had a good number of Catechism School Teachers for training programme. I sincerely thank to his Excellency Bishop Andreas Rehmat, the Chairman of Catholic Bishop Catechetical Commission for his great support and at the same time, my special thanks go to Mr. Emmanuel Neno for his wonderful cooperation along with the collaboration of his team.

Tajalli Catechetical Centre Quetta had another programme for Catechists, Catechism School Teachers and Altar Servants on Prayers and Holy Eucharist for the preparation of Synod 2021 to 2023 on 14th January 2022. It was a great task given to Tajalli Catechetical Centre Quetta by his Excellency Bishop Khalid Rehmat OFM Cap. The great number of participants was present and shared their opinions on different topics. People were happy that they are asked to share ideas for the synod. I am happy to thank his Excellency Bishop Khalid Rehmat OFM Cap for his presence in the programme and entire cooperation.          

  1. Problems

I have formed a team for Tajalli Catechetical Centre Quetta with priest, nun, catechists and catechism school teachers in order to produce good and sufficient programs. I am doing my best but on the other hand there are some problems. Therefore, we feel sometimes inactiveness or less participation of Quetta rather than other dioceses.

The reasons are:

  • It is like a separate corner.
  • It has a huge and long distance.
  • Christian population is less and not well rooted in Faith.
  • It has a different culture and environment.
  • There is lack of family faith formation.
  • It has lack of vocation of local priests, nuns and local trained catechists.
  • The local Christian community has interest for government jobs to earn big amount of money rather to dedicate and sacrifice life for particular religious life. Thus it lacks religious vocation.    
  • People do not like to go out of Quetta for religious trainings and programs.
  1. Future Planes for 2022
  • 14thJanuary 2022: Meeting with Catechists, Catechism School Teachers and Altar Servants for the Synod preparation 2021- 2023
  • March 2022: Meeting with Catechists and seminar for choirs
  • June 2022: Training Session for Catechists.
  • August 2022: Seminar for Catechism School Teachers
  • September 2022: Training Session for Catechists
  • October 2022: Training Session for Altar Servants
  • November 2022: Seminar for Catechism School Teachers by CBCC
  • December 2022:Preparing Annual Reports of Tajalli Catechetical Centre Quetta
  1. Conclusion  

I believe in this that we should hope for the best and trust in God because He is the ultimate and supreme power to work through His people. My personal conclusion for this report is that things are getting better and there is lot of cooperation and team work for the betterment of people for their spiritual growth. I am personally interested to give best for this commission and make people strong in their Catholic faith by arranging different programs through Tajalli Catechetical Centre Quetta.