• +923022474551
  • Bishop's House, c/o St. Francis Grammar School, Zarghoon Road, P.O. Box 297, Quetta Cantt
  • info@qtavicariate.pk

Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart Church, Jinnah Road Quetta

In 1958, Mufti Cottage was donated by Mr. Mufti, a Persian by faith, for the Church and this cottage transformed into Church as Sacred Heart of Jesus Church by the Franciscan Priests, this Church is responsible for the city area parishners, records maintaining and other services. In 2004 the building of this Church demolished and constructed a building for the Church and Parish house by Rev. Fr. Peter Zago, SDB and first blessing and opening of this Church held in 6th September 2006 by the Nunciature of Pakistan.

The first Priest of this Church in 1958 was Fr. Erastus Brenner O.F.M who lived here, Parish house was annexed with this Church, he in-vogue the record of the parishners and officially announced the city parish of the Quetta covering all the areas of the city, afterwards Fr. Aquino Van Liebergen O.F.M joined as assistant Parish Priest both the Priests worked in field as for the education and society up-lift they strictly banned the liquor or spin bet culture in the Christian Community at Quetta, also they started baptizing the faithless people and free education for their children also they worked as reformist in the society.

Later, in 1963 after the posting out of these priests Fr. Venantius Kruip O.F.M came here as Parish Priest a Dutch priest, a very religious person and strict in applying the religious norms to followed by the Catholic Christians and laid a strong Catholic faith in people of Quetta.

Fr. Gasper Mendes O.F.M was Parish priest of this Church and Fr. Wink O.F.M as assistant parish priest of this Church worked especially in field for the poor people of the community their monthly ration and their kids to go in educational institutes.

As in parallel at that time Educational institutes of the Catholic Church were developed fully functional and best in education serving as charity based organizations, so they started to admitted the children their free of cost from them but paid their expenses of uniform and books by their own.

Lately, in 1975, Fr. Tobias Bastiaansen, O.F.M, Fr. Alfred Stokman O.F.M & Fr. Jacobs O.F.M joined this church and their work is highly appreciable they stressed on Education and Fr. Alfred Stokman O.F.M established another church at Basti Punchayat, Kasi Road Quetta named ST. Francis Church for Christian Community at Basti Punchayat Quetta and Fr. Alfred Stokman O.F.M was of very strict nature he dismissed the liquor producing hubs at basti punchayat also beaten the spin bet people. This was the expansion period of Catholic Church during which many Churches at Quetta settled and Franciscan Priest developed Catholic Church at their best at Quetta also educational institutes.

In 1980, Fr. William O.F.M, Fr. Liberius O.F.M & Fr. Christopher Fernandes joined this Parish house Fr. William for Parish Priest for Sacred Heart Church and Fr. Liberius for St. Francis Church, Basti.

In 1986, Fr. Cyprian Dias O.F.M came here as Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart Church also principal of St. Francis Grammar school, he was an educationist and left Merchandize Navy of US to become a Priest to serve Christianity.

From 1989, OMI Priests came here and takeover the charge to look and administer the Catholic Church in Quetta, the Parish Priests of this Church from OMIs was Fr. Victor Gnanapragasam and Fr. Joseph Theogenes, and after the posting out of these priest Fr. Alexi OMI, Fr. Maxi OMI, Fr. Perci OMI served in this Church as Parish Priests.

Fr. Joseph Roy OMI and Fr. Tap OMI also served in this Church, after them 1995 Fr. Joseph Seraphine OMI and Derek Warnarulasuriya OMI, came here to look-after this Church and city parish.

After 1999, Fr. Samuel Abid OMI and Fr. John Murad, Diocesan, joined this Parish.

Fr. Eric Lakman OMI stayed here in this Church as Parish Priest for some period.

In 2001 Fr. Peter Zago SDB and Fr. Mac Miecious SDB came here to serve Fr. Peter Zago was the founder of Don Bosco learning center and decided to construct new Church for more people to facilitate.

So, in 2004 it was decided to construct a new Church and old building of the Sacred Heart Church demolished to make new building, it was whole funded by Fr. Peter Zago SDB and this new building of the Church erected.

Fr. Bong SDB and Fr. Julio Christopher joined this parish.

On 6th September 2006, this Church opened and blessed by the Nunciature of the Pakistan.Till to date names of the Parish Priests are as mentioned below;

Fr. Christoer OMI, Fr. Iqbal Khusheed , Fr. Busharat OMI, Abid Saleem OMI, Fr. Nadeem Rafiq OMI, Fr. Maqsood Nazir OMI, Fr. Riaz Dominic OMI, Shazad Anwar Diocesan, Fr. Waris Arshad Diocesan.

A short reflection from history to date is mentioned and explained for your convenient.

Thank you.